Light Therapy Treatments
Light Therapy Revolution offer five essential treatments to new clients. These are evaluated and adapted over the life of the sessions.
Pain Relief: Back Pain, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Joints, Inflammation and Sport’s Injuries. Quantum Laser therapy works exceptionally well on relieving arthritic conditions and on easing pain and inflammation. We commence with a general unwind protocol to ease the adrenal glands and thereafter switch to infra red and red probes whose gentle wavelength penetrates deeply into the bones, muscle and tissue, restoring flexibility, releasing old cellular memory and relieving pain, suffering and residual emotional memory.
Stress Dissolve, Chakra Clearing: Anxiety, Adrenal Glands, Unwind, Allergies. Excess Adrenaline stimulation is the biggest epidemic on the Planet and is responsible for everything from chronic pain and stress, high blood pressure, diabetes, general disease and aging. Studies have shown that when the adrenals are continually releasing adrenaline and cortisol the other glands shut down, including the thymus or heart chakra gland responsible for immunity and anti-ageing. Whenever adrenaline is released the cells get the signal to turn on then off. They then shift polarity and subsequently lose their charge, oxygen and energy, and ageing occurs. This process shortens the telomeres or scalar antenna on the DNA. As they get shorter the ability to grow new cells is limited, until life cannot continue. Scientists have recently discovered an enzyme called the Telomerase that increases the length of the telomere. This increases our anti-ageing potential and the possibility for longer life cycles on this planet. Scalar Waves and the violet laser spectrum optimises and enhances the quantum rejuvenation effect of activating Telomerase and the Telomere length. The Quantum Laser is set to specifically activate stem cells, key neurotransmitters and sacred compounds of the body, and further refine and activate the genetic sequencing capabilities of the quantum field. The unwind process has huge healing capabilities and is the backbone of the Light Therapy Revolution system. It has yielded extraordinary results in so many areas. Asthma and hay fever sufferers are natural beneficiaries of the unwind system.
Beauty and Anti-Ageing: Collagen Rejuvenation, Cell Stimulation and Unwind. This is a very popular treatment and works on two main levels. a) The endocrine system, adrenal glands and thymus are photon-stimulated to unwind the recipient and reverse the devastating effects of stress and anxiety on aging. b) The facial area is worked on directly to stimulate natural collagen production. This includes work with laser probes to alleviate lines and wrinkles. Most clients experience an incredible sense of well being after being treated. The visual benefits are usually noticeable after one session.
Quantum Laser Light Therapy skin benefits:
• Improves tone and clears blemishes.
• Smoothes the skin’s texture, lessens coarseness and reduces pore size.
• Minimises the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, ‘crow's feet’, smile lines, nasolabial folds and worry lines.
• Regenerates the skin by activating fibroblast cells to increase the production of collagen and elastin.
• Helps improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin and irregular pigmentation.
• Enhances skin moisture that helps the skin regain its youthful fullness.
• Increases circulation which helps reduce melanin production, the cause of brown age spots.
• Promotes nutritional elements existing within the skin.
• Stimulates and activates metabolic function in skin cells.
• Reduces skin degradation caused by age and environmental exposure.
• Reduces the appearance of overall redness and flushing.
Addiction, Weight Management, Smoking, Addictive Behaviours:
For weight loss, violet and red probes are used with ‘vitality’ and ‘coherence’ settings on the tip of nose. This point activates the metabolism and works with the spleen and thyroid. This reduces food cravings and increases the body’s alkaline PH balance. This is carried out with the ‘unwinding protocol’ the effect of which is to clear out the holding patterns in the glands. To stop smoking and other addictions we use an infra-red probe with a Serotonin setting on the top center inch of the cartilage of both ears. This is carried out in combination with the Adrenal Unwinding and Anti-Aging Protocols.
Everyone is different and you may have specific problem that involves a combination of the above. You may suffer from a specific condition that would benefit from a bespoke treatment that will give your body complementary support in this area. If you would like assistance with a certain condition, please ask, and we can work to create a customised program to help support your body’s healing process in that region.